
The Mission of COS WITH CAUSE is to encourage action, promote, and connect cosplayers who want to do good.

Heroes (and even villains) need a cause, otherwise they are just extras (nothing against redshirts or other characters in the background of our actions).

COS WITH CAUSE (CC) players and crew members engage in various kinds of local charity and service activities. This CC nonprofit volunteer organization simply offers online ideas, supports local cause players, and creates a community of fantasy fans who make a difference through their cosplay.

Anyone is welcome to join the action and play for good. But only official CC Players can use this organization's identity and resources. Please see our Rules below for expectations and limitations.

CC membership offers access to a Facebook Group and other exclusive benefits - for example promo materials, official merch, and meetups with others under the official organization flag.

// Become a member. Join the Action. Play for a purpose.

Rules for Play

There's lot of good in the verse, but beware of dark elements.

COS WITH CAUSE is not responsible for individual Cause Cos players and Cause Crew member activities.

// Otherwise - good fortunes, and bright smiles in your cause adventures or noble quests. 

Behind the Scenes

Meet some of the players who are part of the CC organization and contribute to our common cause through their actions and support.

COS WITH CAUSE Crew Leader, Original Adventurer, and Founder of Legend: Arno Ker Nafets

// You could get mention here. Share about your actions on our social platforms. Or help run CC and become a crew leader.

Check out how to get involved in ACTIONS and how to get connected as a PLAYER.

Legalese Notice

Here's what our legal unit has to defend, whether you read it or not, so you better abide by it.

The COS WITH CAUSE (CC) logo, name, tagline, double backslash stripe and overall designs are proprietary marks of this cosplay volunteer organization, and may only be used by leaders and members of the CC organization for the purpose of promoting the group's mission and individual activities consistent with specific goals, following rules of play, and without compromise of stated community values. Any infringement or abuse will be persecuted, and consequences may include monetary damages, and exclusion without rights for recourse. We are not liable for individual member's activities, and also do not endorse anything on external links.

// Sorry but it's for the sake of the common good ;-)